Understanding Parity


The parity of a given number is 1 if the number of bits set is odd, otherwise it is 0

To calculate the parity, we use the below methods for an O(k) solution where k is the number of set bits in the given number

  1. x & ( x - 1 ) => sets the lowest set bit in the number to 0
  2. A value initially set as 0 and continuously xor-ed with 1 alternates between 0 and 1

With the above two approaches in mind, we solve parity in the below manner:

def parity( x ):
    count = 0
    while x:
        count ^= 1
        x &= ( x - 1)
    return count

In the above code, the count variable correctly alternates between 0 and 1 to generate the parity of the input.


x = 3

x x - 1 x & ( x - 1 ) count
0011 0010 0010 0 -> 1
0010 0001 0000 1 -> 0

By the end of the loop, we have count = 0, indicating a parity of 0